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National Knowledge Project


Notes on Brad Cox’s economic theory

And the concept of a Rural Safe Net




3/3/2004 7:47 AM



We make the observation, that most of the American public is deeply offended by the content on television and by the rudeness and self proclaimed superiority of a small subsection of our society responsible for marketing into our homes what are regard to be products that damage our society’s over all moral, spiritual and economic health. 


We are even more offended by the notion that it is our choice that is the problem, if there is a problem, and that we may use our economic decisions to change the downward spiral in the quality of content.  We are offended by this argument.


A sense of anger arises because of the deep frustration from what we experience.


We experience a sense of total helplessness in the face of political and economic control by a hidden force.  But then these hidden forces reinforce “their” agenda, and clever ways including the use of our anger to intellectually dishonestly discredit our message – as was done in the case where the media distorted the movement to elect Howard Dean as President of the United States. 


The “there there” is a community of marketers and zealots who work the system to their benefit, without regard to harm to others.  They are moral and economic parasites, who will not go away unless dealt with directly by a more powerful force.   They manipulate the law and even go outside the law to achieve an continuance of a system which is deep diseased. 


The Safe Net allows a new place where these individuals cannot do as they are doing in the Internet and in using the phone system and the radio and television media.  In this Safe Net, we hope to deliver educational services for everyone from leading universities, provide an emergence communication infrastructure and a two-way communication system between local governments and state and federal agencies.  


We hope to use the Safe Net to create citizen centric governance mechanisms by harvesting from the World Wide Web those document repositories that can be viewed without charge by anyone who will confine behavior to that behavior which can stand to light of day. 


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