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Tuesday, July 27, 2004


The BCNGroup Beadgames




The concept of the Safe Net


(The anticipatory web notes)


BCNGroup’s concept of a Safe Net à


Tuesday, July 27, 2004




Reference:  Identity and Deception in the Virtual Communities (work by a group at MIT Media Labs)



There is a need to recognize that the cultural issues we addressed at the Manor are significant, and yet the "solutions" can be worked out.


We have discussed the social science issues at:





And will be extending this discussion of issues, to those involving the Anticipatory Web technology, over the next month.  In particular as addressed in a presentation at World Future Society conference ( www.wfs.org ), at a talk (this Thursday) at the Institute for Defense Analysis  and in a talk at a university (August 4th)



1) Two of the links





link the BCNGroup discussion to MIT media labs and to other academic groups working on the history of the Internet and computer science. 


3)  Our strategy is to make presentations that shows a "non-commercial" process that nevertheless provides both substance to the artistic expression, as well as a reasonable return on investment for those who would help us with the investment package. 


These two social worlds:


3.a) The world of creative artists would prefer not to have to deal with the intermediators such as galleries

3.b) the world of those who would like to collect images and pieces created by the artists


can be linked using the notions of the Safe Net.