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2.5 Non functional properties of WSMO

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We classify non functional properties in two categories: core properties and web service specific properties.

2.5.1 Non functional properties - core properties

The core properties can be used for all the modeling elements of WSMO. They consist of the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set [Weibel et al., 1998] plus the version element. We do not enforce restrictions on the range value type (and this also omit the range restriction in the following listings) but in some cases provide additional recommendations. In case that no WSMO recommendation is given, the Dublin Core rules apply as a default:

Listing 1. Non functional properties (core properties) definition

entity nonFunctionalProperties


A name given to an element. Typically, dc:title will be a name by which the element is formally known.


An entity primarily responsible for creating the content of the element. Examples of dc:creator include a person, an organization, or a service. The Dublin Core specification recommends, that typically, the name of a dc:creator should be used to indicate the entity.
WSMO Recommendation: In order to point unambiguously to a specific resource we recommend the use an instance of
foaf:Agent as value type [Brickley & Miller, 2004].


A topic of the content of the element. Typically, dc:subject will be expressed as keywords, key phrases or classification codes that describe a topic of the element. Recommended best practice is to select a value from a controlled vocabulary or formal classification scheme.


An account of the content of the element. Examples of dc:description include, but are not limited to: an abstract, table of contents, reference to a graphical representation of content or a free-text account of the content.


An entity responsible for making the element available. Examples of dc:publisher include a person, an organization, or a service. The Dublin Core specification recommends, that typically, the name of a dc:publisher should be used to indicate the entity.
WSMO Recommendation: In order to point unambiguously to a specific resource we recommend the use an instance of
foaf:Agent as value type [Brickley & Miller, 2004].


An entity responsible for making contributions to the content of the element. Examples of dc:contributor include a person, an organization, or a service. The Dublin Core specification recommends, that typically, the name of a dc:contributor should be used to indicate the entity.
WSMO Recommendation: In order to point unambiguously to a specific resource we recommend the use an instance of
foaf:Agent as value type [Brickley & Miller, 2004].


A date of an event in the life cycle of the element. Typically, dc:date will be associated with the creation or availability of the element.
WSMO Recommendation: We recommend to use the an encoding defined in the ISO Standard 8601:2000 [ISO8601, 2004] for date and time notation. A short introduction on the standard can be found here. This standard is also used by the the XML Schema Definition (YYYY-MM-DD) [Biron & Malhotra, 2001] and thus one is automatically compliant with XML Schema too.


The nature or genre of the content of the element. The dc:type includes terms describing general categories, functions, genres, or aggregation levels for content.
WSMO Recommendation: We recommend to use an URI encoding to point to the namespace or document describing the type, e.g. for a domain ontology expressed in WSMO, one would use: http://www.wsmo.org/2004/d2/#ontologies.


A physical or digital manifestation of the element. Typically, dc:format may include the media-type or dimensions of the element. Format may be used to identify the software, hardware, or other equipment needed to display or operate the element. Examples of dimensions include size and duration.
WSMO Recommendation: We recommend to use types defined in the list of Internet Media Types [IANA, 2002] by the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)


An unambiguous reference to the element within a given context. Recommended best practice is to identify the element by means of a string or number conforming to a formal identification system. In Dublin Core formal identification systems include but are not limited to the Uniform element Identifier (URI) (including the Uniform element Locator (URL)), the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and the International Standard Book Number (ISBN).
WSMO Recommendation: We recommend to use URIs as Identifier, depending on the particular syntax the identity information of an element might already be given, however it might be repeated in
dc:identifier in order to allow Dublin Core meta data aware applications the processing of that information.


A reference to an element from which the present element is derived. The present element may be derived from the dc:source element in whole or in part. Recommended best practice is to identify the referenced element by means of a string or number conforming to a formal identification system.
WSMO Recommendation: We recommend to use URIs as Identifier where possible.


A language of the intellectual content of the element.
WSMO Recommendation: We recommend to use the language tags defined in the ISO Standard 639 [ISO639, 1988], e.g. "en-GB", in addition the logical language used to express the content should be mentioned, for example this can be OWL.


A reference to a related element. Recommended best practice is to identify the referenced element by means of a string or number conforming to a formal identification system.
WSMO Recommendation: We recommend to use URIs as Identifier where possible. In particular, this property can be used to define namespaces that can be used in all child elements of the element to which this non functional property is assigned to.


The extent or scope of the content of the element. Typically, dc:coverage will include spatial location (a place name or geographic coordinates), temporal period (a period label, date, or date range) or jurisdiction (such as a named administrative entity).
WSMO Recommendation: For more complex applications, consideration should be given to using an encoding scheme that supports appropriate specification of information, such as DCMI Period, DCMI Box or DCMI Point.


Information about rights held in and over the element. Typically, dc:rights will contain a rights management statement for the element, or reference a service providing such information. Rights information often encompasses Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Copyright, and various Property Rights. If the Rights element is absent, no assumptions may be made about any rights held in or over the element.


As many properties of an element might change in time, an identifier of the element at a certain moment in time is needed.
WSMO Recommendation: If applicable we recommend to use the revision numbers of a version control system. Such a system can be for example CVS (Concurrent Version System), that automatically keeps track of the different revisions of a document, an example CVS version Tag looks like: "$Revision: 1.13 $".

2.5.2. Non functional properties - web service specific properties

Besides the core properties described in the previous section, the web service specific non functional properties also include properties related to the quality aspect of a web service (QoS):

Listing 2. Non functional properties definition for web services

entity wsNonFunctionalProperties subEntityOf nonFunctionalProperties


It represents the error rate generated by the web service. It can be measured by the numbers of errors generated in a certain time interval.


It represents the cost-related and charging-related properties of a web service [O`Sullivan et al., 2002]. This property is a complex property, which includes charging styles (e.g. per request or delivery, per unit of measure or granularity etc.), aspects of settlement like the settlement model (transactional vs. rental) and a settlement contract, payment obligations and payment instruments.

Network-related QoS

They represent the QoS mechanisms operating in the transport network which are independent of the web services. They can be measured by network delay, delay variation and/or message loss.


It represents how fast a service request can be completed. According to [Rajesh & Arulazi, 2003] performance can be measured in terms of throughput, latency, execution time, and transaction time. The response time of a service can also be a measure of the performance. High quality web services should provide higher throughput, lower latency, lower execution time, faster transaction time and faster response time.


It represents the ability of a web service to perform its functions (to maintain its service quality). It can be measured by the number of failures of the service in a certain time internal.


It represents the ability of the service to function correctly in the presence of incomplete or invalid inputs. It can be measured by the number of incomplete or invalid inputs for which the service still function correctly.


It represents the ability of the service to process more requests in a certain time interval. It can be measured by the number of solved requests in a certain time interval.


It represents the ability of a service to provide authentication (entities - users or other services - who can access service and data should be authenticated), authorization (entities should be authorized so that they only can access the protected services), confidentiality (data should be treated properly so that only authorized entities can access or modify the data), traceability/auditability (it should be possible to trace the history of a service when a request was serviced), data encryption (data should be encrypted), and non-repudiation (an entity cannot deny requesting a service or data after the fact).


It represents the transactional properties of the web service.


It represents the trust worthiness of the service.