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Wednesday, February 01, 2006


 The BCNGroup Beadgames



Challenge Problem à


[148] ß [parallel discussion on generative methodology (Judith Rosen)

[147] ß [parallel discussion on generative methodology (Peter Krieg)

[368] ß [comment on four issues (Richard Ballard)

[150] ß [Deeper discussion between Judith Rosen and Peter Krieg on relationalism

[367] ß [Four Issues about Ontological Modeling

[374] ß [A return to the issue of ontological modeling

[367] ß [Communication from Paul Werbos


[65] ß [The Taos Discussion



After 375 communications, this bead game was closed as of

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

And reopened


Monday, January 29, 2007


(next bead  à [376] )


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